From Aliens to Millennials: Exploring America’s Fascination and India’s Potential

Kuharan Bhowmik
4 min readJul 3, 2023

Americans were relatively affluent in comparison, while Indians grappled with poverty, population challenges, and other survival issues. Yet, Americans also faced their share of concerns, albeit of a different nature. They invented their own predicaments, such as the existence of aliens, UFOs, zombies, and universe apocalypse. It might make one wonder why these extraterrestrial beings and unidentified flying objects predominantly visit America and not India.

Subsequently, Americans capitalized on these themes, exploiting the phenomena of aliens, UFO sightings, zombies, and apocalyptic scenarios through movies, TV shows, books, and various other media forms to generate income.

This lucrative entertainment industry surrounding aliens, UFOs, zombies, and apocalyptic events became a significant source of revenue for Americans. The public’s fascination with these fictional narratives allowed filmmakers, authors, and content creators to tap into the collective imagination and capture audiences worldwide. These captivating narratives not only entertained audiences but also fueled the growth of related merchandise, video games, and theme park attractions, further contributing to the economic success of the American entertainment industry.

The fascination with these fears among Americans only grew stronger over time. They found a certain thrill in exploring the unknown, diving deep into the realms of extraterrestrial encounters and post-apocalyptic worlds. Hollywood seized this opportunity and churned out blockbuster movies that captured the imaginations of millions. From heart-pounding alien invasion films to spine-chilling zombie apocalypses, Americans eagerly consumed these narratives, finding a sense of exhilaration in confronting their deepest fears in a safe and controlled environment. This cultural obsession not only entertained but also provided an escape from the realities of everyday life, offering a temporary respite from the pressures and uncertainties of the world.

However, as time passed, it became increasingly clear that the American fixation on these fears was misplaced. While the entertainment industry continued to profit from the sensationalized versions of aliens, UFOs, zombies, and apocalyptic scenarios, a growing body of scientific evidence debunked many of these ideas. The once-thriving conspiracy theories started losing their grip as rational explanations emerged, shedding light on previously mysterious phenomena. Gradually, the American public began to realize that their fears had been largely unfounded, and that the real challenges facing society were rooted in more tangible issues like climate change, inequality, and social unrest. The realization sparked a shift in public interest, as Americans sought to redirect their attention and resources toward addressing these pressing concerns.

As Americans began to acknowledge the reality of the world’s challenges, their attention turned towards India and the significant struggles it faced. Recognizing India’s efforts to tackle issues such as poverty, population growth, climate change, and social inequality, Americans realized the immense potential for collaboration. They understood that by joining forces with India, they could combine resources, expertise, and innovation to effect substantial positive change on a global scale. This shift in perspective opened up new avenues for partnerships, knowledge exchange, and mutual support, as both nations recognized the opportunity to work together in tackling the pressing problems that affected not only their own countries but also the entire world.

With the changing mindset and a desire to tap into the interests of millennials, Americans began seeking new avenues for capturing attention and generating viral trends. They recognized the power of social media and its influence on the younger generation. In this quest, the focus shifted from aliens, zombies, and apocalyptic scenarios to something that resonated deeply with millennials. They honed in on the ever-present “like” button, the currency of validation in the digital age. Understanding the fascination and obsession millennials had with social validation and instant gratification, Americans set out to create a concept that could quickly captivate and engage this tech-savvy audience. This new venture aimed to create a viral sensation, leveraging the power of social media to spread like wildfire, captivating the attention of millennials in record time. The challenge now lay in identifying the perfect idea that would strike a chord with this generation, something that could be easily consumed and shared, transforming ordinary individuals into overnight sensations.

As this new era of captivating trends and viral sensations dawns, Indians need themselves in a race to seize the moment. It becomes a call to action for Indians to harness their innovative spirit and collaborate across various industries, capturing the attention of millennials and emerging as pioneers in this new digital landscape. The challenge lies in staying true to their roots, celebrating their diverse heritage, and weaving compelling narratives that resonate not only within India but also resonate across the globe. It is a battle for recognition, influence, and shaping the narratives of the future — a challenge that Indians should embrace with determination and aim to secure their place at the forefront of this ever-evolving cultural phenomenon.

Note: It is important to acknowledge that this article presents a particular perspective on the fascination with aliens, UFOs, zombies, and apocalyptic scenarios, as well as the potential for collaboration between the United States and India. Perspectives on these topics may vary, and it is essential to respect different viewpoints and interpretations. The intention of this article is not to dismiss or disobey anyone’s beliefs or opinions, but rather to offer insights and stimulate further discussion on the cultural phenomenon surrounding these themes.

